1) The craft project this year are Jean purses. We are asking each girl to bring a pair of clean used/old jeans
to camp. Girls in 1st-3rd grade will be making simple jean pocket purses, a no sew version (jeans should have large pockets, rather than a pair of their own jeans w/small pockets). Girls 4th grade and up will be sewing their purses
over 2 sessions.
2) Girls 5th grade and up (overnight girls) should bring a clean glass jar for the overnight, no lid is necessary. (pickle jar, spaghetti jar, etc.)
3) Any troop leaders that may have left over fabric paints, markers, "bling items", or buttons from the year that you'd like to donate to camp, we'll use them for the purse decorations.
4) We're also looking for empty plastic water bottles w/caps (16.9 oz) for an art piece we'll be creating for Chinook.